
Category: Linux

  • Running multiple PHP versions and compiling from source

    We had a peculiar situation where both PHP5 and PHP7 were needed at the same time on a FreeBSD server. It was also prohibitive to get root or sudo access on the managing account. The solution was to compile PHP from source with fpm, run fpm on a UNIX socket and wire the specific domain…

  • Centos Docker unable to unmount on stop/start

    Error looks something like Error response from daemon: driver “overlay” failed to remove root filesystem for 805c245dad451542b44bb1b58c60887fa98a64a61f2f0b8de32fa5b13ccc8ce4: remove /var/lib/docker/overlay/8f666b802f418f4a3dc4a6cafbefa79afc81491a5cb23da8084dd14e33afbea0/merged: device or resource busy It usually appears when stopping and starting a container. It results in Docker container not being able to start or starts in a weird dead/removed state. Issue is presumably fixed in Centos…

  • Lib packaging for your own repo

    This is a note to self about the release procedure and distro packaging of a development library. This instructions expect aptly and createrepo to be preinstalled on your repo server together with a valid GPG key. Packaging a .deb 1. Checkout the release tag and build the deb according to README. Each build should be…

  • Bashmagic collection vol1

    Keep only last X lines of a file (shrink). echo "$(tail -n 10000 huge.log)" > huge.log Deploy maven artefact to a specific repo without specifying it in pom.xml (format repoId:default:repoUrl). Repo should be specified in your .m2 settings.xml with any necessary credentials. mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=repo.mydomain.com.my.releases::default::https://repo.mydomain.com/repository/maven-my-releases/ One liner to set password for default PostgreSQL user after…

  • Oh FileZilla…

    I have encountered a weird problem when connecting to our FreeBSD server with FileZilla over SFTP. Either with password or key authentication I would get: Error:    Server sent disconnect message Error:    type 2 (protocol error): Error:    “Too many authentication failures” So let’s turn on debugging shall we?   Trace:    Pageant is running. Requesting keys. Trace:  …

  • pgadmin4 on Fedora 25

    wget https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/fedora/fedora-25-x86_64/pgdg-fedora96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install pgdg-fedora96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install pgadmin4-v1 sudo systemctl start pgadmin4-v1 You can now access the web interface at http://localhost:5050. Unfortunately the standalone app does not currently work due to a bug in pgadmin4 package. Fortunately the pgadmin4 standalone app is just a web wrapper so you are not missing much. Cen…

  • Fedora 25 on Lenoyo Y50

    Everything except WiFi worked out of the box. To get the WiFi working: sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-25.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-25.noarch.rpm # The rest sudo dnf install kernel-devel broadcom-wl akmod-wl akmods sudo akmods sudo reboot Taken from here. In your BIOS make sure you disable Secure Boot. Not UEFI, not Legacy mode, specifically the switch…

  • OJDBC7 in a Docker container? Prepare for trouble

    Scenario: A JDK8 Docker container using OJDBC7 to connect to the database. Sounds simple enough, what could go wrong? Simptoms: Connecting to the database randomly takes several minutes, fails with a weird SqlRecoverableException: no more data to read from socket or just works fine as if there is no problem. The same Docker image also…

  • Fedora 24 XFCE pains and gains

    I recently installed Fedora 24 XFCE on my brand new Entroware Apollo, a Linux friendly laptop. Here is a list of problems I encountered during my first week of use. While most of these problems had a solution with a bit of googling, non-tech savvy person would have severe problems solving them. PAINS System completely…