
  • pgadmin4 on Fedora 25

    wget https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/fedora/fedora-25-x86_64/pgdg-fedora96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install pgdg-fedora96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install pgadmin4-v1 sudo systemctl start pgadmin4-v1 You can now access the web interface at http://localhost:5050. Unfortunately the standalone app does not currently work due to a bug in pgadmin4 package. Fortunately the pgadmin4 standalone app is just a web wrapper so you are not missing much. Cen…

  • Keycloak OAuth endpoints for Postman/HTTP Clients

    When testing REST services secured by Keycloak you need to retrieve access tokens via Postman or similar REST client. If you want to implement your own client that has to authenticate with a token you also need to know the Keycloak OpenID endpoints in order to retrieve the access token, refresh it or to end…

  • Fedora 25 on Lenoyo Y50

    Everything except WiFi worked out of the box. To get the WiFi working: sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-25.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-25.noarch.rpm # The rest sudo dnf install kernel-devel broadcom-wl akmod-wl akmods sudo akmods sudo reboot Taken from here. In your BIOS make sure you disable Secure Boot. Not UEFI, not Legacy mode, specifically the switch…

  • Expose your dev machine to the public via reverse SSH tunnel

    Scenario: you are creating a REST service which needs to be exposed to the public even in early stage of development due to an upstream provider which sends back feedback data from a webhook API. You are also behind a NAT so you’d have to port forward yourself out but you can’t do that for…

  • OJDBC7 in a Docker container? Prepare for trouble

    Scenario: A JDK8 Docker container using OJDBC7 to connect to the database. Sounds simple enough, what could go wrong? Simptoms: Connecting to the database randomly takes several minutes, fails with a weird SqlRecoverableException: no more data to read from socket or just works fine as if there is no problem. The same Docker image also…

  • JPQL: getting whole entities on a distinct column

    If you want distinct entities in JPQL you would normally write something like this: SELECT DISTINCT(l) FROM Letter l WHERE l.name=:name; But this will do a DISTINCT on the whole Entity. This will also fail on Oracle DB if your Entity contains a CLOB. What if you really want to do a DISTINCT on a…

  • Fedora 24 XFCE pains and gains

    I recently installed Fedora 24 XFCE on my brand new Entroware Apollo, a Linux friendly laptop. Here is a list of problems I encountered during my first week of use. While most of these problems had a solution with a bit of googling, non-tech savvy person would have severe problems solving them. PAINS System completely…

  • Qt 5 + MSVC 2015 + OpenSSL + Windows XP Support = absolute mess

    Recently I decided to move all of our C++/Qt based projects up to the latest version of Qt and C++ toolkits. That means Qt 5, Visual Studio 2015 and all the latest libraries which are needed either for Qt or standalone. There was one caveat tho.. we still need to support Windows XP because a…

  • Rode NT-USB Linux support

    Googling around, I could not find a single mention whether Rode NT-USB microphone supports Linux or not. After some semi-encouraging words from Rode support I decided to go ahead and buy it anyway. I am happy to announce that it works out of the box and so far I did not encounter any problems on…

  • The state of SVG rendering

    This is an interesting little experiment I did when I was searching for a FreeBSD SVG logo to put on a poster. As you might know, SVG format is for vector images, allowing for infinite scaling without pixelation, which is exactly what you need, if you are going to print something on a big quality…
