Category: eurobattle
Happy new year
Ladder reset 2025
Lagabuse ladder will be reset on January 4th 2025. Winners and prizes will be announced on the same day. Thank you for keeping alive and we hope to see you around for another year!
DotA v7.04f5
Changelog Fixed Veil of Discord not multiplying damage to target Fixed Aether Lens and Ethereal Blade malfunction For full 704f series see:
DotA v7.04c7
Changelog Fixed couriers could consume Boots of Travel Fixed bug on Glimpse (Disruptor) reverting Morph and Chaos Knight illusions on random positions Fixed Mana-Drain (Lion) losing Spell Immunity while second target not available (talent) and continuing draining second targets while disabled Epicenter (Sand King) pulse every 3.5 visual now gets bigger if talent on radius…
DotA v7.04c6
Changelog Random Draft Mode (-rd) reduced heroes from 50 to 33 Captain Draft Mode (-cd) reduced heroes from 50 to 33 Fixed Mana Drain permanent effect (?) Fixed Mortal Strike providing fixed 8 charges instead max charges upon killing enemy hero Fixed Aphotic Shield (Abaddon) effect on Mirana Fixed Fervor (Troll) visual charges Fixed Splinter…
DotA v7.04c5
Changelog Tree Grab reduced limited number of attacks from 6 to 5 Ring of Basilius MP regen aura decreased from 1.5 to 0.75 Octarine Core Recipe changed. Now requires Perseverance (1650), Soul Booster (3000). Total cost decreased from 5050 to 4650 Now provides +625 HP, +625 Mana, +8 HP Regeneration, 175% MP Regeneration and 25%…
2023 DotA season ends
On December 1st, DotA ladder has been reset. The top 5 have received a custom skin as a gift from d1stats. All top players have received VIP status and icons. Congrats to all! # Player PSR 1 rob_real 1873 2 real_rob 1869 3 myragegaming 1833 4 alexsundar 1803 5 ^venom^ 1801 6 chzn 1779 7…
DotA v7.04c3
New DotA map was pushed to download queue and will be upgraded on bots shortly. Download manually at Changelog v7.04c3 7.04c3 Fixed -tip command text showing to all players while no charges are left Fixed Rip Tide now damage source of all Rip Tides is the unit that performed the triggering attack, meaning on-damage…
- client update 1.4
updated to Qt6 framework and MSVC 2022 removed support for 32-bit Windows OS, only 64bit Windows is supported added News tab added option to download a specific game version from inside the client fixed broken updater fixed a bug with lobby overlay UI which randomly stopped working various bugfixes