Author: cen
Rode NT-USB Linux support
Googling around, I could not find a single mention whether Rode NT-USB microphone supports Linux or not. After some semi-encouraging words from Rode support I decided to go ahead and buy it anyway. I am happy to announce that it works out of the box and so far I did not encounter any problems on…
The state of SVG rendering
This is an interesting little experiment I did when I was searching for a FreeBSD SVG logo to put on a poster. As you might know, SVG format is for vector images, allowing for infinite scaling without pixelation, which is exactly what you need, if you are going to print something on a big quality…
Periodically pause and resume Transmission torrents on TrueNAS
Unless you have great internet bandwidth you probably don’t want to leech and seed your 100 torrents during the day. You usually want them to seed during the night and then pause in the morning. Let’s do this on our TrueNAS box. Open up your jails, select transmission and fire up the shell. If you…
My personal FreeNAS build and review
This post will talk about how I built my own FreeNAS box, including a short review of the components used. I will also try to mention all the problems and pitfalls that I can remember. Components used ASRock C2550D4I SilverStone DS380 SilverStone SST-ST30SF Crucial 8GB ECC DDR3-1600 CT102472BD160B 4x HGST Deskstar NAS 4TB Lian-Li PT-FN03…
Writing a Windows installer using Qt
Most of the time you don’t want to write your own installer for distributing software. You use an off-the-shelf installation program that packages it all up for you instead. But if you feel adventurous or need your installer to perform some very specific tasks you probably want to write your own. This post will shows…